Internet and Politics in Review: An Analysis on the Profile of Brazilian Papers presented between 2000 and 2011


  • Rafael Cardoso Sampaio Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Rachel Callai Bragatto Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Maria Alejandra Nicolás PhD Candidate of Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brazil). She has a scholarship from Reuni/Capes and is associate researcher of Instituições, Comportamento Político e Novas Tecnologias [Institutions, political behavior and new Technologies]. And Política, Informação e Novas Tecnologias [Politics, Information and new technologies]. She researches on digital democracy, e-government, e-parliament, e-partipation and online deliberation.

Palabras clave:

Internet and Politics, Digital Democracy, Academic Research, Political Communication, Brazil.


This article focuses on the appropriation of the subject "Internet and Politics" by Brazilian Social Sciences. For this, we analysed 299 papers presented at 11 conferences in the areas of Sociology, Political Science and Social Communication from 2000 to 2011 in Brazil. The method was based on a content analysis with the intention of showing the main authors, research centres, political and technological objects, theoretical approaches, methods, techniques and coverage areas of the papers presented in each of these conferences. On the one hand, the results indicate a number of concentrations and differences regarding authors, institutions and geographical regions involved in the research. On the other hand, there is evidence of greater consolidation and ripening of the area, which is focused on more specific objects and presents a growth of empirical studies.


Keywords: Internet and Politics, Digital Democracy, Academic Research, Political Communication, Brazil.


Submission date: 2012-12-26
Acceptance date: 2013-03-08

Biografía del autor/a

Rafael Cardoso Sampaio, Universidade Federal da Bahia

PhD Candidate of Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil) and visiting scholar of University of Leeds. He has a scholarship from CNPq and is associate researcher of Centro de Estudos Avançados em Governo Eletrônico e Democracia Digital Facom-UFBA [Center of Advanced Studies on e-government and e-democracy]. He is also consultant of World Bank and of Digital Office from State government of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. He researches on digital democracy, e-government, e-partipation, online deliberation and specifically on e-participatory budgeting. 

Rachel Callai Bragatto, Universidade Federal do Paraná

PhD Candidate of Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brazil) and visiting scholar of University of California (USA). She has a scholarship from Reuni/Capes and is associate researcher of Instituições, Comportamento Político e Novas Tecnologias [Institutions, political behavior and new Technologies]. She researches on  digital democracy, e-partipation, online activism, civil society movements. 

Maria Alejandra Nicolás, PhD Candidate of Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brazil). She has a scholarship from Reuni/Capes and is associate researcher of Instituições, Comportamento Político e Novas Tecnologias [Institutions, political behavior and new Technologies]. And Política, Informação e Novas Tecnologias [Politics, Information and new technologies]. She researches on digital democracy, e-government, e-parliament, e-partipation and online deliberation.

PhD Candidate of Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brazil). She has a scholarship from Reuni/Capes and is associate researcher of Instituições, Comportamento Político e Novas Tecnologias [Institutions, political behaviour and new Technologies]. And Política, Informação e Novas Tecnologias [Politics, Information and new technologies]. She researches on digital democracy, e-government, e-parliament, e-partipation and online deliberation. 


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