Produção Científica Brasileira na Temática Ciberativismo entre 2008 e 2012: um levantamento preliminar


  • Angela Schaun Mackenzie Presbyterian University
  • Leonel Aguiar Pontificial Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio (Brazil)
  • Isabella Dias Center of Communication and Languages at Mackenzie Presbyterian University
  • Cecilia Giangiardi Center of Communication and Languages at Mackenzie Presbyterian University


Ciberativismo, Ativismo na Internet, Netativismo


Este artigo apresenta um levantamento sobre o tema Ciberativismo nos artigospublicados em anais dos Congressos da Intercom (Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência daComunicação - Nacional), Compós (Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação) e ABCiber (Simpósio Nacional da Associação Brasileirade Cibercultura), e na Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações –BDTD/IBCT do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia, no período de 2008 a 2012, todosrealizados no Brasil. O artigo buscou apresentar a produção e identificar as mídias maistrabalhadas, os assuntos mais abordados, as plataformas mais utilizadas e a predominânciade abordagens dos trabalhos pesquisados. O tema Ciberativismo e suas conexões está emprocesso de construção, observando-se uma multiplicidade de termos e objetos para seremanalisados. Este é um recorte preliminar que compõe uma pesquisa mais ampla sobre o temaCiberativismo. Foram identificados 27 artigos/trabalhos que abordam o tema.

Biografia do Autor

Angela Schaun, Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Adjunct Professor and Researcher at the Center for Communication and Arts of the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, where he was Coordinator of Research (2008-2011), and Extension (2006-2008). It is leading the CNPq Research Group: Communications, Media and Contemporary Cultures. AD HOC Appraiser INEP-MEC in the area of ​​communication. Appraiser Institutional SINAES - MEC. Advisor AD HOC FAPESP. Books and articles published in themes: cyberactivism, Nomadism cyberspace, Media and Culture in the Digital Age, Communication and Sustainability. It has a PhD in Communication and Culture at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2001). In theory analysis conducted on the topic of Educommunication with studies on joints communicative groups of African descent Salvador-Bahia. Holds a Master in Social Sciences, a major in Sociology of Culture, the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the Federal University of Bahia (1986) with a dissertation on Culture and Work. Degree in Social Communication / Journalism (1979), also UFBA. It is a member of the Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies of Communication (INTERCOM), where he contributes as an editor of the Journal Bibliocom. He is currently Vice-President of the Brazilian Association of History Researchers Media Alcar 2011/2013.

Leonel Aguiar, Pontificial Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio (Brazil)

Professor on the Graduate program in Communication at Pontificial Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio. He has obtained a PhD in Communication and Culture from UFRJ.

Isabella Dias, Center of Communication and Languages at Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Scholarship student of Scientific Initiation Program. PIBIC/Mackpesquisa. She is attending the 5th semester of Journalism in the Center of Communication and Languages at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Researcher in the Research Group Communication, Culture and Contemporary Media funded by CNPq (Brazilian Research Council). 

Cecilia Giangiardi, Center of Communication and Languages at Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Volunteer student in the Scientific Initiation Program. PIVIC/Mackpesquisa. She is attenting the 7th semester of Journalism in the Center of Communication and Languages at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Researcher in the Research Group Communication, Culture and Contemporary Media funded by CNPq (Brazilian Research Council).


