Milestones of Communication and Democracy in Latin American Thought


  • Andrés Cañizález Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Caracas, Venezuela.

Palabras clave:

Communication – Democracy – Latin American Thinking


This article deals with the tight relationship between communication and democracy elaborated by communicational thinking in Latin America in the past few decades with some emphasis on the specific contributions of Venezuela. This way several topics, such as national policies on communication are reviewed along with the debate for a New World Order of Information and Communication to finish in the democratic challenges posed to the Latin American region by the boom of information and communication new technologies. This review concludes that there has always been a constant among communication thinkers and scholars to link communication with the democratic development of the region.

Keywords: Communication – Democracy – Latin American Thinking

Submission date: December 13th 2010
Acceptance date: January 26th 2011

Biografía del autor/a

Andrés Cañizález, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Caracas, Venezuela.

Profesor e investigador de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), en Caracas, Venezuela. Coordina una línea de investigación sobre la comunicación política y la libertad de expresión en Venezuela, adscrita al CIC-UCAB, y es el coordinador académico de un programa de postgrado en libertad de expresión y derecho a la información. En la actualidad dirige la revista Temas de Comunicación, que edita la UCAB. Está reconocido por el Programa de Promoción del Investigador, en Venezuela, en la categoría II. Correo electrónico:


