Challenges of Popular and Community Communication in Cybercultur@: approximation to the proposition of Emergent Local Knowledge Community


  • Cicilia M K Peruzzo

Palabras clave:

Challenges of Popular1 and Community Communication in Cybercultur@, approximation to the proposition of Emergent Local Knowledge Community


Study on the conception of cybercultur@, which investigates if it would help community movements inredefining communication practices including the collective empowerment of information,communication – and knowledge – technologies. The objectives are to identify the main theoreticalassumptions of cybercultur@ in the mark of dynamic restructuring of communication in contemporarysociety, to place the issue of the presence of popular communication, and alternative community incyberspace, and to examine whether there is relevance to relate the concepts of cybercultur@ and itsapplicability to the study and practice of this type of communication in Brazil. The approach is based ontheoretical and methodological principles of historical and dialectical materialism. The procedurespresented in this study are part of the bibliographic and documental research.

Keywords: Emergent community. Social communication. Alternative. Community. Cybercultur@.Cyberspace.

Submission date: 2011-02-15

Acceptance date: 2012-03-16


