From scientific dissemination to public communication: actions of communication of science in the University
Palabras clave:
Public Communication of Science. Scientific divulgation. EngagementResumen
This paper presents research results regarding the communication of science at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) from a bibliographic review on the Public Communication of Science (CPC) and related areas, such as technoscience. Part of the assumption that the Public Communication of Science encompasses scientific dissemination, but transcends this process aiming the engagement, empowerment and the autonomy of the subject, which is inevitably linked to science. It also updates a CPC diagnosis in the UFU and adopts as methodology, in addition to the documentary research, interviews with UFU 2016-2020 management members. When updating the communication scenario of the institution, it concludes that the university is in a new moment since the beginning of the current high administration term, with highly positive actions in science communication, but still far from public communication.Descargas