Sobre la revista

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Latin American Communication Research (JLACR) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scholarly journal published twice a year by the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (ALAIC) and its partners in the region, with the UNESCO support. The journal publishes empirical studies and theoretical analyses about communication processes in Latin America, including interpersonal, digital and mass communication/media topics, and related current developments from a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives. The JLACR is a rigorous journal that accepts original critical/historical and research-based articles. Additionally, the journal publishes book reviews.


Peer Review Process

All submitted articles will be reviewed by three reviewers. The reviewers’ comments and decisions will be emailed to authors. First revision will be held in the original language of the article (Spanish, English or Portuguese), and the second one will be in English only. This process might take around three months.


Publication Frequency

JLACR is a scholarly journal published twice a year. Each year corresponds to one volume divided into two issues (January-June; July-December).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


The JLACR was originally supported by the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) of the UNESCO. Nowdays is supported by ALAIC. Main partners included on the Editorial Board of JLACR come from national Associations dedicated to communication research in Latin America, in order to warranty a better representation of countries in the region.

Journal History

JLACR has been created in 2010 with the idea of consolidate and export to English publishing the products of communication research in/about Latin American. A group of academics have come across with this interest and have developed the project, initially proposed by ALAIC and INVECOM (Venezuela). The editorial team has faced the old challenge of publishing an English full text journal from Latin America, where Spanish and Portuguese are the most used languages in communication research. Originally thought as an online journal, JLACR became a project with a print and an online version, with the intention of being an international reference in the academic world.