Rivalries and Resonances: Aesthetics and Chronotopes in the Digital Sensorium of Netflix´s Narcos and La Casa de Papel


  • Eliseo R Colón Zayas Universidad de Puerto Rico




This paper explores the aesthetics and chronotopes in the digital sensorium of Netflix’s Narcos and La Casa de Papel. By analyzing the points of convergence and aesthetic correspondences between these two successful Spanish-language series, this study demonstrates how narrative elements resonate with transnational audiences. Utilizing Bakhtin's concept of chronotopes, the analysis identifies the organizing centers of main plot events, such as the encounter, the road, the house, the threshold, biographical time, nature, family, and work. The paper also contextualizes the dynamics of the audiovisual streaming sector, emphasizing the role of cultural practices and textual aesthetics in understanding the connection between audiences and narrative recommendation algorithms. Through this examination, the study aims to demystify the influence of algorithmic structures on audiovisual production and reception.

