Alternative constituent electoral strip: Against the communicative hegemony of social movements in post-rebellion Chile
The following article seeks to analyze the electoral bands derived from the first post-rebellion constitutional electoral process in Chile, seeking to focus on the counter-hegemonic communication strategies of social movements that were developed on multi-digital platforms, highlighting among them social networks such as Instagram. and Facebook. For the above, a brief contextualization of the electoral bands in Chile was carried out, framed in a media system of limited plurality, centralized and concentrated in large economic monopolies. Despite this, the irruption of lists and independent candidates from social movements, mainly from indigenous peoples, feminist movements, and sexually affective dissidents, also generated a communication irruption. This new modality was reflected when presenting programs, proposals, and candidacies since they were not limited exclusively to the official electoral strip but deployed various communication initiatives that even sought to expand and diversify what we know as electoral strips, developing a communication counter-hegemony. Methodologically, the article was developed based on search engine queries and monitoring of links in sites related to the candidacies and their respective networks. In addition to the search, the process contemplated a classification and an analysis of the different elements hosted on the Internet and related to the subject. Likewise, groups outside the process were included -but with an essential role in political diffusion- such as media observatories and social and political organizations that have carried out alternative propaganda activities more than campaign and political diffusion. Through the results, he realizes the various communication strategies used by social movements through the participation of alternative electoral bands that emerge from digital platforms, where he realizes the development of specific content - not necessarily hegemonic-depending on whether they belong to the women's and the feminist movement, to a movement of affective sexual dissidence or a multinational movement.